Smart Submit enables use of many MAIstro applications to filter incoming manuscripts and save editorial time. This software enhances the content submission process employed by content curators and publishers alike. It allows easy integration with content management platforms, such as EJPress and Aries. Beyond basic indexing, Smart Submit can be used to filter out controversial topics and reduce time spent on ultimately rejected submissions. Employing a series of pre-built and maintained vocabularies and MAI configurations, clients receive both indexing and filtering metadata upon content submission or later in the publication pipeline. Optional filters include bad cell lines, the Human Genome, SciGen detection, and others.

Key functionalities and features of Smart Submit:

  • Automated Metadata Generation: Automates the filtering of incoming material using existing rule bases and weighting of applied terms. It analyzes content using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques to identify key concepts, topics, and entities, which are then used to create subject metadata.
  • Metadata Enrichment: Enhances the metadata associated with content items by adding standardized terms, keywords, or index terms from vocabularies managed in Thesaurus Master. This improves content organization, searchability, and discoverability.
  • Template-based Submission: Links to pre-defined submission templates or profiles via APIs to guide users through the submission process. These templates typically include fields for entering metadata such as title, author, abstract, keywords, and publication details, with MAI suggesting the metadata terms to the submitting author.
  • Integration with Workflows: Integrates seamlessly with existing content management systems (CMS), digital repositories, or publishing platforms. Users can submit content directly from within their workflow environment, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency in metadata quality.
  • Validation and Quality Control: Includes validation checks and quality control mechanisms to ensure that submitted content meets specified criteria or standards. This helps maintain data integrity and consistency across the repository or platform. Specialty rule bases for topics such as unacceptable subjects, known bad data, suspect science, ranges of fault detection and more are included.
  • Customization Options: Organizations can customize Smart Submit to align with their specific submission requirements and metadata standards. This may include configuring metadata fields, validation rules, or integration with external systems.
  • Data Integrity: Addition of data such as the proper or accepted name for genes (with an average of 19 synonyms) and medicinal plant names (with an average of 17 synonyms) leads to higher data integrity.
  • Batch Submission: Supports batch submission of multiple content items simultaneously, allowing users to streamline the process of adding new content to the repository or platform.
  • Feedback and Monitoring: Provides feedback to users on the status of their submissions, including notifications of successful submissions, validation errors, or pending approval. Users can monitor the progress of their submissions and take corrective actions as needed.

Smart Submit helps organizations improve the efficiency, accuracy, and consistency of content submission processes by automating metadata generation, enhancing metadata quality, and integrating seamlessly with existing workflows and systems. It enables users to focus more on content creation and less on administrative tasks associated with submission.